Survivors’ Secretariat say over the past year the organization was able “to do good work” despite a lack of resources and funding provided from the federal and provincial government’s.
Survivors’ Secretariat which was created in 2021 to search and uncover truths surrounding missing indigenous children associated with the former residential school “The Mohawk Institute” in Brantford.
Secretariat Lead, Laura Arndt says the organization has gone without government backed funding since April 1, 2024 after having approximately 70 percent of it’s annual operating budget provided through the Residential Schools Missing Children Community Support Fund from 2021-2024.
Arndt says the organization remains dedicated to it’s work to uncovering truths surrounding the Mohawk Institute, but says there is still a need for Canada to work with First Nations to show the truths associated with the indian residential school system.
She says the organizations top priority in 2025 remains identifying as many of the children who attended the Mohawk Institute as possible, to help identify those children who did not return from the residential school.