Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) saw a $6.5 million dollar increase in revenue over the previous 2022 fiscal year.
The announcement came as SNGRDC held its annual general meeting May 22 and detailed the non-profit organization’s audited financial statements.
In 2022, the organization says $22,059,119 was produced in revenue and that was increased to $28,626,724 in 2023.
SNGRDC CEO Matt Jamieson said that the increased revenue was a lower amount than what was originally expected but says he’s confident that the organization can improve its stable financial position.
The SNDRDC’s portfolio is “made up of Nation Enterprise (on-reserve), Economic Interests (off-reserve) and Joint Partnerships,” according to the organization’s website, which “generate revenue for the
collective benefits all of Six Nations members.”
For more information on the 2023 SNGRDC audit and financial statements, visit the SNGRDC website.