Amy Smoke says that “people think we are stuck in the past and only write about ceremony or history”, but says that’s not all they write about. “We write sci-fi, we write all kinds of things”, adding “we are so much more than our trauma”.
That’s one of the reasons why a new Indigenous reading circle at the Waterloo Public Library is happening, with Smoke as a cofacilitator. At the circle, participants will explore a variety of short stories, essays, and poetry by Indigenous writers with an emphasis on science and speculative fiction.
The first book to be discussed is Love After the End, an anthology of queer Indigenous speculative fiction edited by Joshua Whitehead.
Two dates are booked for the reading circle – ,January 16th and February 13th from 7-8pm. Register at
This show features an interview with self-described “book fanatic” Amy Smoke, an IndigiQueer, two-spirit parent, teacher, and community organizer, and a co-director of the Willow River centre.