At the Six Nations Elected Council General Meeting held on Tuesday January 9th, several issues were brought forward after Councillor Alaina VanEvery said she received calls from the community wanting access to the dump which was closed following Council’s two-week holiday closure. Other councillors echoed her comments saying people wanted to access other council services.
That led to Councillor Audrey Powless-Bomberry saying she had calls about draining septic systems and said people should be trained to know when to consider servicing their systems.
Training was raised again with a suggestion of training for Council members on the subject of domestic violence. Councillor Melba Thomas says that it that might be beneficial for council members to attend an event, which is called “Why Does He Do That?” to understand the topic, saying the Six Nations Police call it an epidemic.
CKRZ reached out to the Six Nations Police for a comment on domestic violence but had not heard back from them at the time of this report.