Polytechnique legacy uplifts young women in STEM
Montrealers joined in commemorating the Polytechnique massacre victims on Dec. 6, as the school community marked significant advancements for women in STEM since the tragedy in 1989.
Béatrice Cyr is a masters student at École Polytechnique in energy engineering.
Cyr participated in a ceremony at the Chalet Mont Royal Wednesday evening, where she read the names of the fourteen victims aloud as fourteen beams of light projected into the night sky.
“We need more girls and we need women in engineering. We need more role models to show us that it is a field where we can do so much,” Cyr said. “And us girls, we are good at it,” she added.
Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Legault attended the vigil and briefly remarked on gender based violence – the progress made and the work left to do.