Wellington North decides against rainbow crosswalk
Following a March delegation asking for a rainbow crosswalk in Wellington North, the idea was discussed and dismissed by council this week. Staff stated there were concerns with finding a proper location, or the right level of upkeep to maintain one.
Rosie Krul spoke at the March meeting, hoping the crosswalk would bring more exposure to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Wellington North.
But council were led to believe the new traffic crossings coming to Mount Forest would be overly dense areas traffic wise to permit the crosswalk. Council referenced several other cities in which the rainbow crosswalk was painted at a slower-paced area.
Beyond that, Coun. Steve McCabe was the one to bring up maintenance concerns.
“It just gets, literally, driven over and worn out and salted and scratched. If there’s a better way – I’m obviously in favour of the crosswalks, but I don’t know aside from safety paint on them…There’s got to be a better way to recognize groups that are looking for some recognition,” McCabe said.
While these were popular concerns throughout council, Coun. Penny Renken ventured the concept itself wasn’t required in an already welcoming community.
“I believe in our growth plan. We have it mentioned that we have a place for everyone,” Renken stated.
“I don’t think it’s really necessary to have a symbol for one part of our community when it’s already mentioned in there that we do have a place for everybody and everyone is welcome,” she added.
Flags and banners were more acceptable to council’s visions. They stated they’d wait until the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Non-Standard Pavement Markings for Crosswalks Study has been complete before they proceed with the idea of a rainbow crosswalk.