County looking to grow child care industry, moves ahead with national, provincial updates
Staff at Lennox and Addington County welcomed the new wage improvements in the child care industry and hope it will attract more staff.
There are increases to workforce compensation, as well as investment for professional learning, emerging needs, and startup grants.
Updates to Ontario’s Child Care Workforce Strategy and the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system were released at the end of last month. The changes to workforce compensation are effective as of January 1.
Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) received guidelines and an updated transfer payment agreement from the Ministry of Education. The report noted PELASS staff are working to ensure CWELCC enrolled licensees are able to apply these wage improvements retroactively as soon as possible.
The report noted that the ministry is working on finalizing a new child care funding approach that aims to
integrate current child care funds into the new CWELCC funding formula.