Winter parking ban needs revision, residents say
A resident made a present to the City of Halifax this week on concerns with the upcoming winter parking ban.
During a special transportation standing committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon, council heard a presentation from resident Daniel Lametti on making winter parking bans more equitable.
Data shows that on average 458 tickets were given out each night from January 2022-March 2022 while the winter ban was in effect. The total number of tickets given out was 4,122.
“This is really impacting residents who can least afford it,” Daniel Lametti said. People who can’t afford to live in a house with a driveway or rent an off street parking space are the main recipients of these tickets, Lametti added.
The presentation mentioned other cities’ winter parking methods such as providing free parking in municipal owned lots but said Halifax’s website does not provide solutions to those who rely on street parking.
The parking ban goes into effect tomorrow, Dec. 15 to March 31, 2024.