Frelighsburg to restore and transform Bishop Stewart Memorial Church
The Municipality of Frelighsburg is restoring and transforming Bishop Stewart Memorial Church to make it a multi-functional space for the community.
Restoration work on the church began in 2021 after the municipality received a grant from Ministry of Culture and Communications in order to preserve the heritage qualities of the building, including the walls and the stain-glassed windows.
More recently, the municipality applied for a $2.17 million grant with the Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec to transform the space into a “safe haven” for Frelighsburg citizens, Mayor Lucie Dagenais told CIDI. Dagenais added that Bishop Stewart Memorial Church is a beautiful place to celebrate the arts and to host a number of activities.
In order to benefit from the provincial government’s financing, however, the municipality needs organize its own fundraising and match the amount that the government is willing to invest.