Some of the money moving around Prince George has been looking a bit funny since the beginning of December, as reports of counterfeit currency spiked between December 1st and January 10th. On first glance, these bills might look legitimate, but the naked eye can easily spot text on the lower portion of the bills which reads “This Note Is Not Legal Tender.” Further inspection reveals the transparent window is made of over-the-counter tape, and the shiny bits resemble cut up tinfoil. Overall, some of them can be described as, “laughably fake.”
The RCMP’s Media Relations Officer, Cpl. Jennifer Cooper is not at liberty to say where the notes are suspected to be originating from, but they have been offered to a wide variety of businesses. The public is asked to take a second glance at your bank notes, especially during a transaction, and to report counterfeit currency to the local RCMP authorities.