Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) are in talks to hold a community information session to discuss the closure of the Gané Yohs Health Centre with the Six Nations community.
Gané Yohs Health Centre has been closed since April because of mold. Many of the community’s health services have been impacted by the closure and have had to move operations to the White Pines Wellness Centre.
SNEC CEO, Nathan Wright says the information session is planned to take place on either Oct. 23 or Oct. 24. As they were planning to have Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and it’s representatives in attendance as well to communicate with community members.
ISC spokesperson, Eric Head said in a statement to CJKS that ISC representatives will not be able to attend the community engagement session, but says department officials have been in contact and will maintain contact with Six Nations on a regular basis.
SNEC say more information will be given as it becomes available.