The CIUSSS de L’Estrie CHUS has launched a pilot project in support of English-speaking users in the local health service networks of la Pommeraie and Memphrémagog. It’s called the Sunflower Initiative.
The Sunflower Initiative is meant to to improve the quality of care provided to English-speakers seeking health services by having staff voluntarily wear a sunflower visual. This lets people know that they are readily available to communicate in English.
Francis Laramée, Executive Director of the Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation, one of the financial contributors behind the project, told CIDI that users have a “common right” to be served in English. With the official language in Quebec being French, Laramée noted that this right “isn’t standing out as much as it probably should,” which is where the initiative comes into play.
The project is currently being evaluated to possibly expand it to other health service networks in the Estrie.