An update on the development of the land that is known as the “Village Commons” in Mansons Landing was given to the community on Feb. 1.
The Cortes Community Economic Development Association passed the stewardship of the Commons to the Cortes Island Community Foundation (CICF) last year. The land came with an established trail system, hydro, and $850k worth of grants to continue into “Phase One” of development.
At the presentation, several announcements were made and many collaborators were in attendance.
Manda Aufochs-Gillespie, Bruce Haden, Richard Andrews, Sadhu Johnston, and Coret Moret all spoke at the gathering about various grants awarded and projects underway to improve and develop community land in downtown Mansons, including land stewarded by the Southern Cortes Community Association, CICF, Cortes Housing Society, and the Cortes Island Fire Department.
To hear more, listen to the CKTZ News Update.